June 24, 2004

How Can I Miss You If You Won't Go Away?

Found at Right Rants:

If I buy a copy of your book, will you just shut up once and for all, go away, and never come back? It will cost me $35, but, judging strictly by weight, that isn't a bad price for so much cow manure. At 957 pages, this is the first book ever published that contains a 20-minute intermission. Readers are advised to put it down and read a passage from Clinton's 1988 D.N.C. speech nominating Dukakis just to stay awake. This thing is so long, he almost called it "War and Peace." Or, I suppose, more properly, "War and a Piece."
Ann Coulter

Go read the rest, it is funny - and so freakin' true

Posted by Vox at June 24, 2004 12:37 AM | politics