June 23, 2004

Kerry's Lies

"I don't think it's bothersome to people that John Kerry thinks he's very smart. That's fine. I think what's bothersome is he thinks the rest of us are stupid."
--RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie

Some of the (many) things Kerry seems to think we are too stupid to catch on to are his anti-American activities. Too bad, John Boy, there are people keeping track - and making it known.

If you are looking for a resource on Kerry's Vietnam service, and anti-Vietnam activities, you need to visit Useful Fools. What he doesn't write about himself, he links to from elsewhere. Recent articles include Kerry Smeared His Country and The Press is Hiding It and Kerry Update and John McCain

Be sure to check his site regularly - he will give you the full scoop.


"Kerry was right to say kind words about Reagan on the day of his death. But they shouldn't obscure what Kerry said about Reagan during his life."
-- Katherine Mangu-Ward

Posted by Vox at June 23, 2004 01:39 PM | politics