May 10, 2004


One of the other developements in the Seventh Avenue Merchants Association area is a new Planned Parenthood 'clinic'. This is the neighborhood where I grew up, where I still work, where some of my friends are raising their children.

In their honor I point you to Michelle Malkin's December column The Predators of Planned Parenthood She was writing in response to the tragic death of Holly Patterson, an RU-486 victim. She let's us in on exactly how Planned Parenthood works with this paragraph:

Predators win the trust of their victims by luring them away from their closest loved ones, speaking their language and telling them what they want to hear. Planned Parenthood subverts parents and dispenses death pills to vulnerable teens like candy -- cheap! easy! super-safe! But as Holly's dad, Monty, sobbed at a press conference after his daughter's RU-486-induced homicide: "There's no quick fix for pregnancy, no magic pill . . . They told her it was safe, and it killed her."
And now they are in this neighborhood, dispensing death as as if it requires less thought than ear piercing.

Posted by Vox at May 10, 2004 04:38 PM | politics