May 10, 2004


Mother's Day Sucks. Worst day of the year for me, sans one day in January.

Every year I swear is the last that I will let myself be made miserable by it. Then the next year I am once again thrown into b*tch mode on waking and spend the day snapping at friends, sulking, crying, and eating too much.

It's just another day, and I shouldn't let it get me down...and yet it always does.

All day long, the TV is loaded with Mom themed stuff, the paper is Mom themed, even the blogosphere is chock full of Mother's Day reminders and wishes. Did anyone see that McDonald's commercial...tears your heart right out if you are like me.

It isn't that my Mother isn't wonderful. In fact, I am fairly certain she is the most amazing, kind, generous, loving, gracious, beautiful woman the world has every known. I am so fortunate to have had her as a mother and I tell her that all the time, not once a year.

Hopefully, I can snap out of this quickly...the residual effect can be almost as crippling as the day itself.

Posted by Vox at May 10, 2004 01:28 AM | general