May 02, 2004


That's what my home computer is right now (came to the office to check email).

Virus? Don't think so.

Microsoft? Yep!

I get an "LA Shell (Export Version)" error, then it does the auto shutdown - referencing lsass.exe. The desktop is mostly gone, but I can at least boot up. The laptop tries to boot up and gives an error that says, basically, lsass.exe tried to send a password that was incorrect; then it tries to reboot, hits the same error, tries to reboot, hits the same error.....

Blogging will be lite, to say the least. I can read your comments and emails from work, though, so keep 'em coming - especially if you know what particular "feature" I am dealing with.

UPDATE: it's a worm

UPDATE: Apparently, it's not a worm...or it is...or it was... I ran the Sasser removal tool which says I am not infected, though the patch did seem to stop that particular error. Now I am getting "generic host process for Win32 services" has quit error, followed by auto shutdown - referencing "Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service" Bah! Antivirus is up-to-the-minute up-to-date, scan reveals no infection or compromise.

Posted by Vox at May 2, 2004 03:01 PM | general

Argh! My computer at work is doing the same thing, and I'm still waiting for the computer help people. Very annoying! And I've been so good about updating antivirus too. I knew I should just keep my computer on all the time.

Posted by: ladygoat at May 3, 2004 08:08 PM

i had a worm in my tape backup drive. 'puter expert said it was... A TAPE WORM! get it?




Posted by: friend at May 6, 2004 09:21 PM