November 06, 2003

The World Wide Weird

From Chuck Shepherd under the heading "How to Drive a Conservative Nuts":

In Sparks City, Nev., during the summer, City Attorney Chet Adams, perhaps influenced by the legal challenges to the Alabama courthouse monument displaying the Ten Commandments, ordered an employee to scissor out "God" from the town's Sept. 11 "God Bless America" signs around City Hall. (Mayor Tony Armstrong, among the many baffled by the newly anonymous blessing, immediately bought more "God Bless America" signs and posted them, himself.) [Reno Gazette-Journal, 9-30-03]

In September, a British government-funded charity, Family Planning Association, distributed a cartoon booklet teaching the joys of masturbation to a target audience of 9- to 11-year-old girls. [Daily Telegraph (London), 9-27-03]

Also in September, the British teen community-service organization Connexions distributed a primer on marijuana smoking printed on a poster resembling a package of rolling papers. [The Sun (London), 9-29-03]

And the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor this semester offered another edition of its sociology course, "How to Be Gay: Male Homosexuality and Initiation" (but its creator said "initiation" is a sociological term and does not refer to initiation of straight students). [Fox News, 8-18-03]

Yeah, that all makes me pretty nuts.

Posted by Vox at November 6, 2003 11:28 PM | general