November 24, 2008

For The Birds

New York City offers a preview of the sort of public monuments we can expect to pay for now that the Executive and Legislative branches have fallen to left-wing extremists. In Central Park, at 5th Avenue and 60th Street, stands a statue of Che Guevara, the communist executioner who planned terrorist attacks against the citizens of New York.
For instance, did you know that Che Guevera was a terrorist who plotted the murder of tens of thousands of innocents? Well, maybe that doesn’t matter so much given that Bill Ayers was given a pass for plotting the same sort of things. But Guevera was also known to rail against rock ‘n roll, “long hairs” and homosexuals in his speeches. He was a racist who mocked black Cubans and segregated them in his revolutionary movement. And he was a book burner who personally hosted bonfires fed by the libraries of intellectuals.

(Hat Tip Bodhi1, AKA All American Blogger)

Posted by Vox at November 24, 2008 09:00 PM | politics