November 16, 2008

More Tantrum Throwing

The Sundance Film Festival is known to be extremely supportive of gay & lesbian artists and projects.

Robert Redford's charity depends on the Sundance Film Festival as their main source of fund-raising.

However, because California passed Prop 8, and someone decided that Mormons are the only reason for that passage, and Utah is known to be a Mormon heavy state.....there are calls for boycotting the festival this year.

Punish an organization that has been consistently on their side.
Punish the organizations that depend on Sundance's charity dollars.
Punish independent film-makers.

Because the voters of your state voted against your agenda.

How about this - we eliminate all the votes that were cast FOR Obama and FOR Prop 8. That would turn California into a red state.

Which is it? Either the voters of CA used their constitutionally guaranteed right to vote as they see fit - or they were tricked into voting incorrectly. I am reasonably certain that if the Mormon church were able to exercise some sort of wide-spread mind control, they would have also programmed more of the citizenry to vote against Obama. Heck, we would probably be talking about President-elect Romney right now.

Get over it. You lost. You can try again later, but I guarantee you are NOT winning the battle for hearts and minds with the behavior we have been witnessing since Nov 5th.

BTW: Just as an aside, why is Obama winning 52% to 48% touted as a "landslide", but Prop 8 is said to have "passed by the narrowest of margins"...52% to 48%?

UPDATE: Monkeys have noticed it, too.

Posted by Vox at November 16, 2008 04:36 PM | politics

Well said Vox. I was going to do a post on this one myself because I'm so sick of these people just going way overboard on this. In fact you too the words right out of my mouth with this, 'Get over it. You lost. You can try again later, but I guarantee you are NOT winning the battle for hearts and minds with the behavior we have been witnessing since Nov 5th.'

Posted by: Lori at November 17, 2008 03:47 PM

Funny thing at Bolin Plaza on Sunday. I was down there testing RAW photography, and I found this placard placed to a trash can. Perhaps the sanitation engineer was too lazy to put it all the way in.

Posted by: Macker at November 18, 2008 06:03 AM