November 14, 2008

Too Little, Too Late

I haven't been a huge fan of John McCain since a personal dealing I had with his office in 1987. I supported him as the nominee only because the alternative was so much worse. His selection of Governor Palin made his candidacy a lot more palatable.

The unbelievably poor campaign, and the treatment of Palin during and after, did nothing to raise my opinion of him, his organization or his leadership abilities.

At Let's Get it Right, Carlos lays out the case of someone who has supported McCain in spite of his flaws, and has now given up the fight

Then came McCain-Feingold, McCain-Lieberman, Gang of 14, the Kerry 04' overture, excoriating the Swift Boaters like Bud Day and the attempt at McCain-Kennedy. I continued to chalk everything up to his maverick, contrarian side and defended him to fellow conservatives as the one candidate who could actually win in 08'.


Posted by Vox at November 14, 2008 10:19 AM | politics