November 06, 2008

State Your Allegiance

Found this in the comments over at JP:

So, did you vote for "The One", Comrade?

Unintentionally (I suspect) chilling.

Posted by Vox at November 6, 2008 08:39 PM | politics

Actually, that was my dad. I've been anti-McCain since McCain-Feingold, and had sworn to oppose him in any race. I figured that it would only be in Arizona senate races, but I moved out of state before I ever got the chance. When he got the nomination, I held firm and voted for Obama. Not because I think Obama's better (perish the thought), but because McCain is in my permanent 'No' column. Since I'm in California, the vote had no effect whatsoever. So what seemed chilling was actually my dad joshing his son.

Posted by: Dan at November 6, 2008 11:21 PM

I suspected it was something like that, but when I read it I had visions of people greeting each other on the street with that phrase. [shiver]

I can't, however, see how someone leaps from McCain to Obama (Hillary,maybe). No matter how much you dislike McCain, there is just no reason to then vote for a socialist, whether you think your vote counts or not. If you want to be firm in your anti-McCain stance, just don't vote for anyone in that office (which I did with our sheriff's race) or write in a candidate you can actually feel good about casting your ballot for.

Trust me, I have no great love for JMac. However, voting for Obama because you have a grudge against McCain for one (very big) error in judgment is worse than voting for him because you don't like Bush.

Posted by: Vox at November 7, 2008 07:22 AM