November 02, 2008

Grasping the Obvious

Found this comment on a story over at AZ Central:

Aside from that it sounds like you have some problem with spreading the wealth? That must mean that financially things are going really well for you huh? I suppose that as long as it’s going ok for YOU then that’s all that matters, right? How do I know? Because only those who have money are concerned when someone wants to spread the wealth!

Now, I don't think this is actually true, since the Hollywood millionaires and other 'progressives' seem fine with the concept, as long as the government is doing it. Also, I know some people who have been hit hard by this economic mess, that are very firmly in the "let the rich keep their own money, just let me keep mine, too".

But, just on it's face - and in the context it was presented - it leaves itself open for a big..."Duh!"

Posted by Vox at November 2, 2008 05:15 PM | politics