October 29, 2008

Special Treatment

Oh fer cryin' out loud!

Bad enough that the chosen one was able to alter the scheduling for a World Series game so he could talk for an additional 30 minutes (if there is one thing we need more of, it's Obama talking )

Bad enough that ACORN is committing large scale voter fraud, now they are trying to blame the GOP for voter suppression (give me a break )

Now, election rules are being altered nationwide to allow for additional Obama voting. Citing fears that minorities and others supporting Obama may not be able to cast their votes during traditional polling place hours, as well as claims by ACORN that the GOP is working to suppress votes, polls will be open an additional hour specifically for Obama supporters to cast their votes. (In AZ, for example, polls close at 7:00 p.m. for general voting, but remain open till 8:00 p.m. for Obama voters ONLY.) Civil rights attorneys have demanded the additional time without those voting in opposition to ensure Obamaniacs can feel comfortable in casting their ballots - and perhaps enjoy the camaraderie of knowing they are among 'friends'. This may also lead to missed projections in the race as Obama supporter hold off on voting until the later time-slot for the chance to vote en masse with their fellow travelers.

What is this world coming to.

(It's parody, people - geez)

Posted by Vox at October 29, 2008 05:33 PM | politics

are you serious??????

Posted by: Lori at October 29, 2008 06:11 PM

I heard they were so worried about those voters feeling disenfranchised that they will have pre-populated ballots available in several states that reflect the Obama suggested votes for local candidates and ballot measures. All a voter has to do is show up and sign their name.


Posted by: Tiff at October 29, 2008 06:38 PM

I looked at the Web site for the Secretary of State, and it doesn't mention any of this.


Posted by: Michelle at October 31, 2008 10:28 PM