October 03, 2008

This Weekend

This weekend, Bill Maher's vile piece of excrement, Religulous, opens nationwide.

So does An American Carol.

And a lot of other movies to choose from. I would suggest An American Carol, but anything that pumps money into the box office this weekend, that doesn't go to Maher, is good for me.

Posted by Vox at October 3, 2008 09:53 PM | movies

I'm going to see American Carol tonight, no matter how bad it might be. Conservatives bitch about how there are never any movies for US. Well, now there is one. Time to pony up.

Years ago I tried to talk Tony Woodlief into working with me to put together a business plan for a conservative movie studio. He was skeptical, and he's more interested in writing screenplays than in helping to launch a whole studio. I still think, though, that it's a great idea. And I can think of about 10 guys in Hollywood who could--on their own--come up with the start-up capital.

Posted by: Special Agent Johnny Utah at October 4, 2008 03:31 PM

I wish American Carole was in more theaters here in the valley. But I'm sure gonna go see it.

Posted by: John Moore at October 4, 2008 06:34 PM

I heard it beat Bill Maher's movie over the weekend. Anyone know if that's true?

Posted by: Lori at October 6, 2008 07:51 PM

An American Carol beat Religulous by approx $200,000 - so, thank you to everyone who went.

Unfortunately, since it was in a lot more theaters, the Maher crapfest made more per screen.

Posted by: Vox at October 6, 2008 08:22 PM