September 17, 2008

Oh, To Be Young And Gay

... and Alaskan

However, those gay people who know her best, men and women who live in the Land of the Midnight Sun, are delighted about Palin's nomination. Eric DeLand, an openly gay man who lives in the Kenai area, said even Democrats and independents like her: "They may not agree with her on everything, but they agree with enough; they're happy with McCain's decision to pick Sarah."
Oh, wait, perhaps it doesn't matter where you are. The gays aren't hatin' on Sarahcuda the way we were told they should.
My friend is not the only gay person enthusiastic about John McCain’s running mate. Nearly all the readers of my blog are excited about her nomination. Some have even been pushing her as potential vice-presidential pick since the summer of 2007.

Shortly after John McCain announced his choice, a reader from northwest Ohio wrote that the "overwhelming consensus" at a local gay bar "was extremely positive." Gay and lesbian readers across the country agree.

Pushing for her since last summer - I guess Hollywood and the MSM were wrong. Some people have heard of her.

UPDATE: Wow, no time at all and Google started sending the "gay in Alaska" ads. Well . . . enjoy.

Posted by Vox at September 17, 2008 12:43 PM | politics