September 16, 2008

Deja Vu All Over Again

I remember, during the Kerry campaign, someone saying something along the lines of: "It isn't that John Kerry thinks he is so smart, it's that he thinks everyone else is so dumb"

Apparently, the Dems learned nothing from that - and they continue to insist that we are all just hopeless rubes.

Yeah, that'll bring the votes your way.

Watch the video, with the added bonus of Sarah Palin being called a "bucket of fluff"

Posted by Vox at September 16, 2008 12:05 PM | politics

In the United States there is a large strain of "anti-elitism". It is nice when it applies to inherited status, but when it comes to education it crosses into anti-intellectualism. And this isn't just a wild fear- Americans tend to vote for people who are "like them" and by and large he majority of Americans are not extremely well educated. if they were creationism wouldn't have taken root here. That is a good example- "the scientists can't be trusted" mentality.

Posted by: Samuel Skinner at September 17, 2008 12:01 AM