September 05, 2008

The Problem With Palin

Ah, I get it.

Because she is successful, it makes it harder for other women to be successful...

Besides, Palin certainly won't be much help to those women trying to nudge the country into embracing more family-friendly workplace policies. John McCain doesn't actually have any work-family policies to speak of anyway, but now, when women argue for the need for paid family leave, the Republicans will only have to trot out Palin to illustrate why women don't really need it.

(Hat Tip Dizzy Girl)

Posted by Vox at September 5, 2008 05:46 PM | Sarah Palin , politics

Apparently Dizzy Girl is unfamiliar with the phrase, "style over substance".

Posted by: Samuel Skinner at September 8, 2008 01:08 AM

How is that? The quote posted wasn't from my site. I was the one taking offense to it.

It's perfectly fine for Liberal women to be successful and have families, but when Conservative women do it, well it just sits the damned feminist movement back 50 years. That's the attitude I get from that quote.

Posted by: Dizzy Girl at September 8, 2008 04:07 AM

I was responding to YOUR post:

"As a woman and a mother, she really appeals to me."

Yeah, this would be the definition of style over substance.

As for "objecting because she is a conservative"... yeah, it wouldn't have to do anything with the fact that most parents children don't have children in their teens (or have you forgotten that Republicans have crusaded against that and claimed abstinance only is the answer?).

As for her own kid... these people sum it up better:

Not to mention that alot of conservaties maintain that a women's place is at home- for a conservative women to buck that is hypocrisy.

You do claim that you "aren't being shallow"...

"I believe both parties have wrecked our country and I’m tired of seeing rich white men every four years."

The Republicans have controlled Congress since 1992 (until 06) and the presidency for the past 8 years. I don't see how any of the screw ups are the Dems fault.

"we need candidates who represent all of America."

No, we need canidates who are competant to lead the country.

"But the fact that McCain had the balls to pick a woman as his running mate…a very smart woman I might add…has just put me rethinking my vote."

Or he picked a women for purely political reasons... like convincing the base that they are being victimized. As for smart... she went through 6 colleges in 6 years... and got a journalism degree. I think our current C and C is smarter than her.

" But then again, they wouldn’t have to worry about this had Obama chosen her as VP."

Well, it appears that Obama choose his running mate as a person who shores up his weaknesses (foreign policy) and not as an effort to make a really pretty ticket. Style over substance... again.

"I’m going to take some time and do some research on Palin and decide whether it’s worth me changing my vote."

You were doing this whole speech without having a clue what Palins stances are. That is the freaking definition of style over substance.

Posted by: Samuel Skinner at September 8, 2008 04:44 PM

Look at that LAST quote of mine. I didn't just come out and say, "HEY...she has a VAGINA too! Like, OMG I have to vote for her!!!". No, I'm going to do some research first before I make my decision. What's the problem with that? Maybe I should just vote blindly and straight down a party line, but then again, I no longer belong to a party so that would be sort of hard for me. Excuse me if I want to weigh all of my options. But yes, the fact she is a woman does appeal to me. Your problem with that is what??? Yeah.

Please...this country has been screwed up from day one. It didn't just happen in the last eight years. Granted, Bush hasn't done a lot to make it better...he's made it worse, but come off of it least admit that both parties have had a hand in screwing the country up. The point is moving forward and making it better. I do agree with you on one thing though...we DO need competent leaders. God willing, we'll get some.

Just so we're clear on where I stand on the issues: 1) I'm pro-choice and don't believe in this abstinence only crap, 2) I'm for same sex marriage, 3) I don't consider myself a Conservative - yes I've voted that way in the past, but I've also voted for Democrats. I don't want to be labeled a "Democrat" or a "Republican". So don't lump me into the Conservative category and try to make me look like a hypocrite for voicing my opinions. They may be different from yours, but that doesn't mean they don't count and they aren't important.

One last thing: who cares if her 17 year old daughter is pregnant? That's between her and her daughter and it's pretty shitty for people to think it's their business and sling them through the mud over it. Do you have a daughter? If so, here's hoping she's never stupid enough to get pregnant. I'd hate for someone to think it's YOUR FAULT and question your role as a parent. I mean, it's not like you can be with them every second of the day. In the end, they make their own decisions and you can be the best parent in the world and throw condoms at them or preach abstinence and they'll STILL have sex and they'll STILL get pregnant and it'll STILL be no-one's business.

On that about you stop tearing apart my posts and start doing something more productive. I don't mind if you disagree with me, but you don't have to be rude.

Vox: I apologize for using your comments as a soapbox.

Posted by: Dizzy Girl at September 8, 2008 05:13 PM

You can use my comments as a soap box any time, Dizzy Girl, I love to watch you work :-)

Posted by: Vox at September 8, 2008 06:18 PM

Yes I do. That would be like me voting for McCain because he is a white man. You see, I happen to believe tribalism is BAD.

The country has always been screwed up? What ever you are on, I want some! Remember the sixties? When the country eliminated segregation? The fifties? When the country had equitable distribution of wealth and the middle class mushroomed? The forties? When the US saved the world (okay, it was the Soviet Union who beat Hitler- but we saved the survivors from the Soviets).

The fact is the country has not always been screwed up- it has just been that way since the fifities, when alot of the previous policies were thrown out. Since then the middle class has been getting more and more screwed over because "raising taxes is ounishing people for success". Apparently people are unaware of the idea of civic responsibility. I for one and amazed that we have even gotten to the point where we are hiring mercanaries and foreginers to fill our ranks- apparently our citizens have no sense of irony.

As for the Democratic party... no, they aren't perfect. You know what they are? Think of them as the popular front- filled with a fair portion of wackoos, corrupt politicos and the like. Of course, they are better than their opposition- look at the last 8 years.

No democratic president tortured individuals. No democratic president set up a special court to wiretap individuals... and then ignored it, claiming they could wiretap at will. No Democratic president has caused deregulation... which lead to the Enron debacle. I could go on, but I am sure you can simply google.

The fact of the matter is the last 8 years have been an unmitagated disaster for the US. You want to say "well, both are at fault"... uh no. The Republicans had total control for 6 of the past 8 years and they ran the country into the ground. You know why oil is expensive? It isn't just high demand- it is because the dollars value has dropped!

Please, explain to me how the Democrats could have screwed the US up this much. Their only flaw through all of this was having no balls.

As for moving foward... you mean that we should all ignore the past? So if you commit crimes, violate the constitution... you can get away with it? Nice precident.

No, people who have differant opinions that me are either talking about an area where opinions are personal (ice cream) or are wrong. It is simple- in fact, everyone believes that.

Your opinions don't count and aren't important. Neither are mine. You do remember that no election has ever been decided by a single vote? Given the traffic to your place, there is no chance you can swing enough votes to affect anything. You are as irrelevant as me. Get used to it.

Actually, I would be a bad parent if I had a kid who got pregnant. Now, it wouldn't be the world's business... except if I was a politician who was insisting that we needed to have abstience only education.

The fact of the matter is if teens have sex, they should use birth control (two differant types). The fact that an individual claims they won't need to be taught it... while their family shows that is a lie, is blatant hypocricy.

As for being rude... so what? You made a really stupid comment and the only appropriate responce IS rudeness. Tribalism IS inherently stupid and more importantly dangerous to the country. The moment people start basing their decisions on "they are just like me" is the moment we elect people like Bush.

Maybe you will say it is because of "one of us", but I'm betting on the "great step foward". You know what? It is the presidency of the United States- it is a position of power. So stop thinking of it as a great step foward and concentrate on the fact that we are placing a ton of power in said person's hands and we want a competant individual!

Posted by: Samuel Skinner at September 9, 2008 05:34 PM