September 01, 2008

Fowler 'Apologizes'

What Fowler said about this:

What Fowler should have said:

"If this offended anybody, I personally apologize"
Obviously, what I said was offensive and I am deeply sorry for having said it.

"It was a mistake, and it was a satirical statement made in jest"
There undoubtedly is nothing funny about what the citizens in the path of hurricane Gustav are facing, and I certainly should not have made light of the situation.

"One doesn't anticipate that one's private conversation will be surreptitiously taped by some right-wing nutcase"
Character is displayed by how a person behaves when no one is watching. Despite thinking I was having a private conversation, I was wrong to behave in a way that would be embarrassing if it was brought to light.

I would add that, just because a person catches you being an @ss, that doesn't make them a nutcase.

Posted by Vox at September 1, 2008 08:49 PM | politics

I can't believe that last statement! God what a douche.

Posted by: Lori at September 3, 2008 06:33 AM