August 25, 2008

Cash or Convictions?

Two things have come up recently that have lead me to ask that question:

1) I have Google ads on this site (and my others, actually) They have an option in the settings that allows you to block specific advertisers. Lately, my posts have garnered ads from You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out how I feel about them. I was going to log in and change my settings to keep their ads off my site - then I realized I have a perverse sense of satisfaction thinking that some minuscule amount of their money is coming to me. But, I should stay true to my beliefs, right? I shouldn't willingly give them any exposure, should I? Or, should I just keep their money coming?

UPDATE: This may be less of an issue than I was imagining, since it is unlikely that my readers would click on a ad - and the rate for straight impressions is much less.

UPDATE 2: Well, this one answered itself. When I came to my blog and saw a MoveOn ad at the top . . . I knew that it was totally unacceptable. No matter how much they are paying. (OK, I am sure I have my price, but Google ads don't pay enough) I put them in the filter, hopefully the ads will cease appearing soon.

2) A bit more serious of an issue. I have posted before about my attempts to buy some property in this down market. The banks, however, are in no hurry to part with the inventory - very odd. Anyway, my intent is to rent the properties out. One that I have an offer on already has long-term tenants in place. My realtor tried to warn me off the deal because they are Section 8 tenants. However, the more I read about the program, the more I am convinced it is a great deal for landlords.

The problem is my general disdain for subsidized housing. Is it right to protest the system while profiting from it? Is it a cop-out to think that, as long as the system is in place, I might as well be one of the ones to benefit from it? Is it capitalism or opportunism to allow the housing authority to make my mortgage payment with tax dollars?

Posted by Vox at August 25, 2008 10:35 PM | general

Coyote has discussed the issue a few times and he doesn't have a problem with it. You can oppose the program and support ending it is consistent, but taking money from a higher bidder in the market is completely logical.

Posted by: Thomas at August 26, 2008 07:57 AM

Is it right to protest the system while profiting from it? I'd say it depends on how much you want to stay aligned with your beliefs.

How are you going to feel when you comment about the government subsidizing housing/welfare when you are benefitting from that system? Would you consider that behavior hypocritical? Would you consider someone hypocritical if they did something same thing on a different issue?

Nobody is forcing you to buy this property. You have many choices on what to buy. You can own a different piece of property and still make money.

Or maybe owning Section 8 housing will give you a different perspective on the issue.

Hey, the only person you have to live with the person you see in the mirror. What do you (want to) see when you look in the mirror?

Posted by: Michelle at August 26, 2008 01:20 PM

I realized that some of my comment may sound snippy, but that's not how I mean it. :-) I like thinking about this kind of stuff.

Posted by: Michelle at August 26, 2008 01:35 PM

Michelle, I would find it hard to think of you as "snippy"

The problem is, those are all questions I have already asked myself. I come up with no clear answers, unfortunately.

I have known people who were on the Section 8 program, and they didn't seem to be freeloaders. (well, they were friends of friends of friends, so my exposure to them was minimal, but they seemed to be trying) Like most programs that were started with the best of intentions, I realize there are still people for whom the original purpose is fulfilled - and others who are simply taking advantage & gaming the system.

These particular tenants have been, as much as I can gather, 'good' tenants and good neighbors. The type of family you would want to rent to no matter who was paying the rent.

I have certainly heard horror stories, however, that reinforce my impression of just what type of people would be in the program. The type of people, in other words, who reinforce my opposition to the Section 8 program in general.

We'll just have to see, I guess, whether I look for/allow for Section 8 tenants in the other properties I am buying.

Posted by: Vox at August 26, 2008 02:01 PM

That was a kind thing to say about me, but I can guarantee there's a snippy side to me. I try to keep it in check. :-)

Good luck with the search and decision! I'm looking for a house (for me) right now as well. I figure the prices should keep going down.

Posted by: Michelle at August 27, 2008 09:49 AM