May 29, 2008

Get Ready For The Tax Hike

While watching 12 News last night I heard a story concerning the price of gas - big surprise.

This particular story was about how people are cutting down on their drving because the cost of gas is so high.
High gas prices = less driving = less gas purchased.

According to the reporter, though, that leads to a problem.
Less gas purchased = less gas tax collected.

Of course, less gas tax collected is a problem because we won't have money to expand the freeway system to handle the....wait for it....increasing traffic congestion...?!?

High gas prices = less driving = less gas purchased = less gas tax collected: OK

Less driving creating a problem because of increased traffic? Does not compute.

The kicker is the proposed solution - a $.01 sales tax. They'll get ya' one way or another.

Posted by Vox at May 29, 2008 09:45 AM | politics