March 18, 2008


Had a long post, lots of links and analysis, on the Supreme Court hearing arguments re: DC gun ban.

MT ate it. Arrghhh.

So, here is the bottom line.

The Second Amendment means I can have a bazooka in my closet if I want one. The framers made clear in their writings, and in the simple language they employed for the amendment, that they weren't talking about hunting and target shooting - they wanted to ensure our right to defend ourselves; together against other governments, individually against our own.

Let's hope that, unlike Kelo vs City of New London and Roe Vs Wade, they actually look to the document itself, not to foreign courts, political correctness, or personal bias.

UPDATE: Volokh
SCOTUSblog has a round up of articles more here and their analysis

Posted by Vox at March 18, 2008 11:10 AM | politics