February 04, 2008

Democrat Contenders

It seems entirely plausible that the Democrats may win the Presidency. If that happens, we will have either the first black or the first female POTUS.

I hope it is the former.

I think that Obama is a true believer. I may not agree with his ideas (OK, I most definitely don't agree with his 'solutions') but I am under the impression that he believes his own rhetoric. It seems he truly thinks that the agenda he has put forth will make things "better" for America.

I think that Hillary is a true politician. I believe her ideas come from being a manipulative, power-hungry, slime-ball of a corrupt politician - just like her husband. I think she will stop at nothing to get her way and harm her enemies.

Though I would prefer our first black president have a name more like Thomas Sowell than Barak Hussein Obama - I would hate to have Hillary Clinton forever engraved on the history books as America's first female Commander in Chief.

Bonus: if Obama gets the nom, the Clinton machine will probably kick into gear to sabotage his chances - in order to give Hillary a better chance in 2012.

BTW: I wish Caroline Kennedy was right about Obama being like her father. It would be refreshing to have someone as conservative as JFK in the running...

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.
-John Fitzgerald Kennedy

UPDATE: Upon further reflection - Obama really scares the heck out of me. Even more than Hillary. It does seem that he is more vulnerable, though, and will present less of a challenge to McCain.

Or perhaps that is just wishful thinking....

Posted by Vox at February 4, 2008 09:13 PM | politics

If this country manages to elect Barack HUSSEIN Obama, it will be a disaster, I guarantee it.

Posted by: Macker at February 23, 2008 11:38 PM

I agree he would be disastrous, I just think he would be less so than Hillary. She knows the in & outs, she knows where the bodies are buried, she knows the system. Though she hasn't accomplished much in the Senate, she may be able to get something through as POTUS. His lack of experience may be a gift to the country if he wins.

I would hate to have the name Barrack Obama carved on the history books, but we have certainly had presidents past with funny names; Grover Cleveland comes immediately to mind.

He really strikes me as the black Bill Clinton; Hillary Clinton's ideas, but with charisma.

Posted by: Vox at February 24, 2008 10:56 AM