November 03, 2006

Random Stuff

Possibility of TMI to follow -->

  • I was attacked by a light fixture today. No, I didn't provoke it. My sweetie called and, while I was talking to him, I got up and walked down the hall. As I passed under the light globe that has been in that hallways much longer than I have owned the house, it dropped. Directly on my head. Ouch is an understatement. Then, of course, I reached up to catch it - yeah, that was gonna happen. It fell harmlessly on the carpet. I noticed, however, that my hands were covered in blood and, in rinsing them off was starting to worry that my head was split open. I finally found where my finger had been sliced open and would not stop bleeding. Apparently, when I tried to catch it, I managed to come in contact with the one section of the rim that was broken (you know how those get little nicks in them).

    Let's recap: the light globe fell at exactly the moment I was beneath it after residing happily on that ceiling for at least a decade, when I reached for it I grabbed the one spot that would do the most damage. Poltergeists, anyone?

    UPDATE: It hurts to shampoo when you have fileted the end of the middle finger on your dominant hand. [/whine]

  • My land line has been on the fritz for months, since the big rains we had. During that time, anyone who called would have gotten a busy signal. I figured many people and telemarketers would have given up. I got the phone fixed yesterday. When I came home from work today, I found 3 messages. Two were from people who were trying to sell me something, based on my listing in a professional database over 5 years ago. I registered there in hopes of getting clients, but all I have gotten are telemarketers. The other call was from the Republican party - well, Rudy Guiliani telling me to vote for John Kyl.

  • Long time readers know I have an old dog who has had some major health problems over the last few years, most recently just a few weeks ago. Some of you know that I have white carpet - well, it was white when I put it in 8 years ago. While shopping in the dollar store last week I found a product called "Urine Remover", supposedly their answer to "Urine Gone". I had seen the ads, but never believed the claims. However, for a buck.....

    I tried this stuff yesterday and it was amazing! Took those stains right out, so I figured I would try it on the others (my old roommate liked to have parties here, remember, and his friends were slobs). It was great. Took care of the soda stain in the middle of my living room, the red margarita stain in front of the living room chairs (rather than tell me he had spilled, the guy that did it had just moved the chairs over the top of the spill - he didn't even sop any of it up first. Pig), the odd and sundry stains I can't place. I am definitely getting more of that stuff.

  • Conservatives who say that Republicans need to be taught a lesson by being out of office, and so are not voting or are voting for Democrats, make about as much sense as a man saying that Brittney Spears has been acting kinda trashy lately so he is going to date Tara Reid for a while.

  • Back in the 80's, it was fashionable for those on the left to claim to be "Against Nuclear War". I used to always say something along the lines of, "Duh, nobody is for nuclear war, we just disagree on the means necessary to prevent it" Thomas Sowell agrees, and puts it in a contemporary setting.
    It is staggering that anyone could be so self-infatuated as to single out their own particular policy preferences as "anti-war." Anyone who is not a sadist or an idiot is anti-war. The only serious issue is how best to limit, deter or conclude war. But responsibility for confronting this issue is evaded by those preoccupied with the moral preening of being "anti-war."

Posted by Vox at November 3, 2006 04:52 PM | TrackBack | general