September 25, 2006

Cleaning Demon

I have been on a tear the last few days. I got a wild hair and have been completing projects and cleaning house. So now, though my kitchen table is still covered in a craft project, my dining room table isn't. There is one on a side table....

I have lots of ideas for projects I want to start, but I have forbidden any new projects until I complete the ones currently scattered throughout my house. That means I had to reorganize those, and the spaces around them, to make it possible.

And then the demon got me, whatever cleaning demon possessed me to scour my kitchen to the point of cleaning inside the knife holder and oil up the fronts of my cabinet doors (that did make my whole kitchen smell lemony fresh - mmmm) I cleaned the under side of my dining room table. The gunk in the window tracks. I tossed magazines I hadn't even read (that is HUGE for me, people)

The depressing thing is that the house still doesn't look like I want it to, but the family room is next so I have hope.

TMI to follow, click at your own risk:

Also, I also ended up cleaning nearly nude. I had gone to the store in jeans & a tank top. When I got home, I took off the jeans because they were hot and I was going to clean after I read the paper. Tank top and panties, at this point. After I had been cleaning a while, I grabbed some bleach cleaner. Since I didn't want to splash any on my Raiders tank top, I took it off and kept cleaning. About 30 minutes later I realized that there was probably a porn with a plot very similar to that. This isn't the first time this has happened, I often end up that way (at least while I live alone) Anybody else do this, or is it just me?

Posted by Vox at September 25, 2006 09:33 AM | TrackBack | general

Seems there is hardly room on your cleaning outfit for a Cardinal's Pink Taco patch...

Posted by: Woods at September 25, 2006 12:59 PM

That's OK, I'm a Raiders girl.

No extraneous patches on their uniforms.

Posted by: Vox at September 25, 2006 01:05 PM

I want checked my e-mail with only half my clothes on. I won't say more. :-)

Posted by: Karen of Scottsdale at September 30, 2006 11:12 AM