September 23, 2006

Berry Good

I have been in a strawberry mood lately; got two different kinds of strawberry cereal, had strawberry sundaes from Costco the other day (my sweetie got his made with chocolate yogurt instead of the vanilla), and my first batch of home made ice cream is going to be...strawberry!

The house I was looking at today is near a WalMart, so I was able to pick up the rock salt I needed and a bunch of stuff I didn't.

I was also able to get my tire fixed at Costco - yes, it's brand new but has had a slow leak since I got it. When I dropped it off they said it would be 30-40 minutes so I headed to the mall. He called me shortly after that, but not soon enough to save me from the boots. The boots I just had to have. The boots with the insanely high heel that are so adorable I couldn't pass them up despite the fact that I will probably have very little opportunity to wear them anywhere. But so cute! Luckily the store has a AAA discount - yay them.

My ice cream is churning away in there, I'll let you know how it turns out.

Posted by Vox at September 23, 2006 04:13 PM | TrackBack | general

Strawberry is the absolute BEST. :-)
Enjoy. I settled for a strawberry shake from Jack in the Box. (Doesn't sound half as good as old fashioned ice cream from the rocksalt ice cream maker!) Mmmmm

Posted by: 3rdtimesacharm( 3T ) at September 24, 2006 02:22 PM

I have to confess that I used fat-free milk and added whey protein and fiber powder. Not so unhealthy home-made ice cream?

Anyway, It is quite yummy and will be perfect for breakfast smoothies :-)

Posted by: Vox at September 24, 2006 02:54 PM