December 09, 2005


How do you know you have been working too much on one project? When you dream about it. When every time you wake up in the night you are thinking about it; "if I put an 'if' test there it might take out some overhead", "maybe I can pre-populate those fields", "if I index it this way it might be more efficient", "maybe he would love me if I..." (oh, wait, that's a different problem).......

What it all boils down to is, despite my looming deadline, I need a break. So I am running away from all my problems/projects and spending a couple of days up north. Sedona is one of the most beautiful places on the planet to visit, and I always manage to getting relaxed & refreshed up there.

Comments are off till I get back.

Posted by Vox at December 9, 2005 09:04 AM | TrackBack | general , work