November 13, 2005

My Node Ith Tuffed Ub

Ugh - I thought it was just allergies, but no such luck. I spent the day with a stuffy nose and a bit of a sore throat and no energy. Went to bed early with a dose of Chloraseptic. Woke up at 5 and I am miserable; sneezing, coughing, can't breathe, nose & throat on fire.

Bleh - I hate colds. With the stress of the past week (work has been a killer) and my general lack of healthy living lately, my immune system must be shot.

I am giving in and hitting the Nyquil - with any luck I will sleep till I have to be at work Monday (can't call in sick, the whole rest of the office is out of town, Albuquerque, Sedona, Prescott...)

[whine, sigh, whine, whine, whine]

Posted by Vox at November 13, 2005 05:47 AM | general