October 06, 2005

Decentralized Government

Time was when you talked about networking in business or in politics you were talking about the ubiquitous 'handshake dance'. John C. Dvorak suggests updating that to embrace networking as we know it now, PC's and high speed connections in Congress. Or, more specifically, out of Congress.

This exercise could be done just as easily on a BlackBerry. More important, if congressmen, representatives and senators alike were in their hometowns most of the time, rather than in expensive Georgetown flats, they would have a better grip on what constituents want from them.

The idea with representative democracy is that you "represent." How does an Alaskan senator represent anyone when he lives in D.C. and his kids go to private school in D.C.?

Perhaps this is, to quote SAJU, a 'Cindy Sheehan-style idea' and not thoroughly thought out, but I'm not seeing any real flaws in it......

(Hat Tip Broken, via IM)

Posted by Vox at October 6, 2005 11:25 AM | politics