May 05, 2005


Once again, back on the bike for the trip to work. This time it took a kick in the pants from my sister (we work at the same office). So she arrived at my house bright and early (well, early for me) and we set out....

Regular readers know I try to keep in shape; I eat right (sort of), I exercise. I used to ride to work 2 or 3 times a week. Yeah, it's been a while but still!

My sister, however, doesn't so much. She definitely eats better than I do; has been off sugar for 6 years or so, she has always been good about eating her fruits and veggies, drinks lots of know, just generally smart about that. But she doesn't do any sort of regular "exercise" - just generally really active.

However, during our teen years she was quite the athlete - and I was quite the geek. I have always heard that your long term fitness is affected by your lifestyle during your formative teen years - and I think it is definitely true. She is a living testament to that.

Why all these details? I am trying to rationalize the fact that I was having trouble keeping up with her skinny little butt! Yeah, that's right - she blew my doors off. We were still under my old pace, but I would have been going a lot slower if I wasn't chasing her.

Glad she got me back in the saddle. Glad she kept me pumping my wimpy little legs. Glad she's my sister

Posted by Vox at May 5, 2005 03:50 PM | fitness

Aw, how sweet! I wish I had someone here like that - to keep my in the saddle so to speak. Have a great weekend!

Posted by: yayaempress at May 6, 2005 11:06 AM

There's nothing like an awesome sister. Glad you two are enjoying your time together and before long you'll be blowing her doors off too :)

Posted by: Reilly at May 6, 2005 06:33 PM