April 16, 2005

The Old Dusty Trail

I decided that on a day as beautiful as today (and with SG having a day with the guys) I should take a hike - something I love to do and that Arizona was made for.

I originally planned on going up North Mountain, from the 7th St entrance (# 40 on this map) but when I got there it was way too crowded. Imagine that, I wasn't the only one wanting to enjoy the weather.

So, I drove around to the back side of North Mountain, and did the Shaw Butte trail instead (# 100 & # 306 on the map) Great hike, enough uphill for a challenge, enough rockiness to keep me on my toes - hardly any other humans to be seen. Lots of cool wildlife, though. Mostly lizards, the occasional rodent.

Now I am all sweaty and tired, so I think I will finish out the workout with some crunches or something.

Or maybe just take a shower.....

UPDATE: I decided to go with the workout since I just got The New York City Ballet Workout 2 from Blockbuster Online (did I mention I am loving this). The workout, however, I didn't love so much.

I spent an hour or so and never felt challenged (except when I ran to get the phone when SG called). In fact, the opening sequence showed exercises and stretches that were not part of the workout. You can find them on the "extras", but showing me how to do the plank, then telling me to do it 3 times, does not count as "extra targeted" abdominal exercises. Yep, that was it - one extra exercise per body part (at least the ones I looked at). There were a couple of crunch variations during the workout that seemed like they might present a challenge, but they never did enough reps of anything. I really thought that my legs/hips/butt would be burning but those exercises never amounted to much, either. In fact, perhaps the most challenging thing of all was holding my arms up in the proper ballet positions - my shoulders may end up a bit sore. Very disappointing - but reassuring. It is a DVD I have almost purchased several times, I'm glad I didn't.

OK - now the shower!

Posted by Vox at April 16, 2005 03:45 PM | fitness

Alright, I know I am a bit behind, was down for the count this weekend. However, I do remember you telling me that you can't figure out why your shoulder is hurting again. Do you read the stuff you write? Arms...ballet positions???

Everyone needs a big sister!

Posted by: onelamb at April 19, 2005 10:16 PM

It isn't that kind of pain

But....the pain in my neck...hmmm, what might 'cause that???

Love you

Posted by: Vox at April 20, 2005 12:20 AM