March 05, 2005

BDUs and Bars

SG and I got in a discussion recently about service personnel in bars in their BDUs He said they do it all the time, I said no way.

Now, back in my day, no member of the Air Force would go into a restaurant or shop, let alone a bar, in their BDUs or flight suit. No way, no how. There were a couple of exceptions made for establishments right next to the base but, even then, it was a very rare sight.

I realize that things change and there may be new rules in place, or perhaps they've just slacked off the old ones. Any of you who are more current on proper military behavior care to settle this?

Posted by Vox at March 5, 2005 06:47 PM | military

I see pilots in their flight suits all the time up in my neck of the woods. Especially in Safeway. Captains and Majors mostly, so presumably they're instructors stationed at Luke, rather than students. (Arrowhead Ranch is Officer Country, apparently.)

Posted by: Dan at March 5, 2005 10:03 PM

soldiers in bdu's go to lunch with me regularly. it never occured to me that they weren't supposed to... i remember when they weren't allowed to as well.

Posted by: mlah at March 6, 2005 09:12 AM

I have always seen military in their uniform out and about in civilian places like shops, restaurants and the occasional bar. Usually nightclubs and sports are a completely different story though and you would never see them in uniform.

My dad told me that back in his day everyone either wore a suit or a military uniform. He said they both wore them everywhere including dances and sports games.

Posted by: Lori at March 6, 2005 11:56 PM