September 22, 2004

RSS Calendar

I have been keeping an online calendar for a while now. I find that it does help keep me on track, even during especially scatter-brained times. I was using Yahoo's calendar, but was not thrilled with it - my options for reminders are an IM (which could go to a different computer if, for instance, I forgot to log off at work) or an email (which is really annoying, Yahoo reminds you over and over and over that you have an email - I know, I clicked OK, I'll get to it when I am ready)

Well, I am now going to try RSScalendar which will give me my reminders in the form I prefer, an RSS feed. I also have the option of letting others subscribe to my calendar feed, which I can see being handy for a business though I don't know why anyone would subscribe to a personal calendar that was not theirs. And, since they offer it, I have put my weekly calendar over there on my sidebar (down at the bottom) so the whole world can see just how exciting it is to be me. not.

You will see, for instance, that this Thursday my roommate closes on his new house and I will be helping him paint before he moves into it next week. You will also see what his taste in colors is...all beige, all the time

If you are interested in the service and want to see what the feeds look like, here is my rolling 30-day feed. You can also choose daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or all events when you set up your feeds. You can set public and private events, separate events (and your feeds) by category....

So far it is looking pretty good, my one complaint being a lack of support for links. You can put them in the comments, but not in the other sections. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is a service I will be happy with - I will let you know.

UPDATE: They added a place for an event URL - a step in the right direction.

Posted by Vox at September 22, 2004 12:54 AM | general

This sounds good - - I am always looking for something to help me remember things

Posted by: Uptown Girl at September 22, 2004 07:06 AM