August 09, 2004

Tooth Update

Well, I gave up on the ow-my-tooth-hurts-and-I-can't-chew diet on Saturday - I decided I love food more than I hate pain so I just went for it. I am still down about 3 pounds, but I will put that right back on once I can really get eating.

The root canal was not as bad as I feared, but it was far from pleasant. The dentist hardly spoke. In fact, when he came in he said, "how are you doing?" and that was it for the rest of the appointment. Not even a reassuring answer to my reply of "scared...."

Fortunately, the assistant was really sweet and comforting. It was so nice to look up at her very warm eyes, and then she would smile (couldn't see that part through the mask) and her eyes would sort of crinkle up and twinkle. Could soooo tell she is a mother, that is a real mom trait. She got me through. Definitely an asset to that office.

Through the course of drilling and prodding I had to get redosed with novacaine three times - and that needle is the worst. But, just over two hours later I have a temporary fix in place - back next Tuesday for the permanent crown. Woo-hoo.

Posted by Vox at August 9, 2004 12:05 PM | general

I don't like my dental hygenist. She's clumsy. She pokes me in the face with her little sticks, she hangs the suction out of the side of my mouth then steps on the tube so my head gets yanked sideways. I would never trust her to do a root canal.

Posted by: Michael at August 9, 2004 03:01 PM

Glad it went well for you, Vox :)

Michael I've just gotta ask -- If you don't like it there then why not find a new dentist? Just curious.

Posted by: Uptown Girl at August 9, 2004 03:06 PM