June 25, 2004


Well, the Republican Meetup last night was small but interesting. I really enjoyed talking to the people who showed up. One of them was wearing really neat patriotic and "Support Our Troops" jewelry which her sister designed. Apparently, she is just getting started so doesn't have an online presence yet - but they are working on it.

If I get more info on purchasing, or even just pictures, I will let you guys know - they were great and they made me smile. I want, I want, I want!!!

Posted by Vox at June 25, 2004 04:59 AM | military , shopping

Kinda on topic, this is my last week of summer school..... so I'll be back at all of the meetups from here on out!!
I need to be with my own kind...

Posted by: Wickld at June 26, 2004 05:23 PM