March 15, 2004

Why I Love Arizona

Beautiful, sunny day - high of 88 degrees.

Long walk at lunch, can't wait for summer.

UPDATE: Apparently Bill Brown had a much different experience with the weather today than I did. I won't get hot enough on my walks to carry water for a couple of months, but I walk around the central corridor. There are convenience type stores on every corner so I always have an out. And, I am one of those looney types who love it when it gets into the triple digits.
I hope he has recovered.

Posted by Vox at March 15, 2004 05:16 PM | Phoenix

I'm so jealous. There's predicting snow here soon in Cleveland. It's the middle of March. Grrrr. Or rather, brrrrrr.

Posted by: ladygoat at March 15, 2004 06:38 PM

Why I hate Indiana: snow tonight. :(

Posted by: Lawren at March 15, 2004 07:11 PM

Nutcases... the good Sonoran Desert weather ended with the Thursday hailstorm a week before last. It's nothing but misery from now until the first monsoon haboobs come rolling in.

Posted by: Dan at March 16, 2004 11:47 PM