February 09, 2004

Art Smart

El Gringo, who I agree with about this subject (well, most subjects actually), makes another point (slightly aside but amusing) about the 'creative class' in our rejuvenated Downtown. (scroll to "attracting the creative class")

If he had a search function on his site, I would point you to the many, many posts he has written proving the folly of baiting an area for the 'Arts' crowd - and I consider myself part of the arts crowd. However, I don't want tax dollars wasted in a vain attempt to create some city planners' vision of a thriving 'art scene'.

p.s. Robert, if you have a search function that I am missing - or just want to send me some links - let me know.

BTW: While you are there, read this regarding our recent, prolonged prison hostage drama.

And this, regarding the diminishing likelihood our children will be recognized for excelling in academic pursuits.

Oh, heck, just put the link in your favorites, you'll be glad you did: El Gringo

Posted by Vox at February 9, 2004 12:28 AM | politics