September 16, 2003

Cashing In

From The Smoking Gun:

We don't mean to disparage Food Lion cashiers, but a North Carolina employee with scant monetary knowledge actually just accepted a $200 bill bearing George W. Bush's portrait and a drawing of the White House complete with lawn signs reading, "We like ice cream" and "USA deserves a tax cut."
The bill is a well done bit of humor, but come on. Then, on the other side of the coin are the people who won't accept $2 bills because there's no such thing.

It seems so far fetched that someone would fall for the $200 bill, I wonder if the cashier was in on it. They could have planned it, counting on the fact that people would just assume she was stupid for taking the bill.

I actually had a similar $2 bill experience, but his tale is more humorous.

Posted by Vox at September 16, 2003 11:03 AM | general