September 08, 2003

Way Too Busy

Between my regular job and training for the new (extra) job, I won't have many free moments for this blog for the next two weeks

Again, not sure I even want this job - almost walked out of training today when we got our Human Resources presentation.

Two of the three women were not only incredibly unpleasant (as in, should never work with people) but incompetent. They couldn't even answer the most basic questions.

The tax paperwork they had for us to fill out is 4 years out of date. Arizona has been through at least three rate changes since then, including a new policy requiring a minimum withholding amount. What this means is they are setting up their employees for headaches come tax time, especially those that believe they are allowed to file exempt and will be hit with a large bill next April. When I pointed it out, they got very snippy and said, "no one has told us we need to use a different form so that's the one we're going to use" Because, heaven forbid you do your job and keep up with the tax codes, etc. Certainly you shouldn't care to look into it even after the problem has been pointed out to you - and politely pointed out, I should add.

The Federal forms have changed little, but I question whether they have made the rate changes to the payroll software. I mean, they would be waiting for someone to tell them do it.....

Then, the head of HR told us we won't be officially hired until our background checks are complete - about 2 weeks. When she was questioned about how they were paying us if we weren't employees, she told us we wouldn't be getting paid for the time until we were hired. Then one of the other ones (head of benefits) said she thought there was a way to pay us. Then the head of HR said she didn't think so. They argued about it for awhile, while the class was getting ready to leave en masse. Finally they decided they must pay us somehow (duh, it's the law) but would have to get back to us. This is not a new company, the women are not new in their jobs - you'd have to think that sometime in the last couple of years these issues would have come up.

The people in the class with me, however, are very nice. Fun, even. So, other than a few exceptions (like my friend who convinced me to take the job), I am really not impressed with people in the company. But, this new crop of employees has potential for making a pleasant working environment and happy customers. If that doesn't get 'trained' out of them, there may be hope.

Posted by Vox at September 8, 2003 11:25 PM | general