August 24, 2003

It's About Time

Front Page Magazine has the goods on NASCAR finally telling Jesse Jackson to hit the road, so to speak. I'm happy that more people are able to see his extortion for what it is.

"If Jesse Jackson really cares about the black community," concludes Mr. Massie, "he should be concentrating on Chicago, where 99% of the crime in Districts 7 and 11 is black-on-black. But until more people start saying 'no' to this type of extortion, it's going to continue. And if he's going after organizations simply because they appeal largely to whites, you have to wonder what's next. The Grand Old Opry?"

Let's not give him any ideas.

I just wish they'd have come to that realization $249,999.50 ago.

(Hat Tip to Right Thinking)

Posted by Vox at August 24, 2003 10:59 PM | politics