August 06, 2003

Total Recall

He's running! This should be good news for Republicans, I certainly hope it is. In the past he has come across as right-leaning, despite marrying a genetic Democrat.

He's been in this country for over 30 years, and still has tremendous difficulty with the English language. He even graduated from an American university (University of Wisconsin-Superior 1979) but continues to struggle with basic syntax.

I bring this up because of his impromptu press conference this evening. He was explaining what would happen once businesses, and therefore revenue, came back to California and he said something like "everything has to be provided for the people."

Them's fightin' words to us conservatives!

I'm hoping that was more a product of his poor English than an indication that he has embraced socialism.

In other CA governor news: Gary "What you talkin' 'bout, Willis?" Coleman is running, Jerry Springer is not.

Posted by Vox at August 6, 2003 07:27 PM | politics