July 07, 2003

The single life

What a great weekend! The roommate went out of town for 3 days, leaving me with some much needed and greatly appreciated alone time. What this means is; all the curtains open to the sunshine, music filling the house instead of TV, eating what I want & when I want...Aaahh, the simple pleasures.

Saturday was also half price day at Goodwill. So, I spent money I shouldn't on furniture I don't need. I also spent two days reupholstering it. For $7 and some old fabric scraps I am now the proud owner of a lovely wheeled ottoman covered in a beautiful music print (which matches our folding screen) and an ergonomic, posture chair covered in a multi-animal print. The blisters and bruises on my hands and arms will heal eventually, and my stiff, sore muscles will relax. Yes, that is my idea of fun.

Pete seems pleased with his new footrest. I think the new chair looks lovely at my computer desk, not that anyone will ever see it - being my private space and all.

Posted by Vox at July 7, 2003 12:10 PM | general