July 02, 2003


Having decided a while ago that I don't spend enough time reading fiction, I set out to change that. I do enjoy the biographies, text books and how-to's that I usually read, but that is not purely for pleasure. Something about getting lost in someone else's imagined story is just frivolous - and magnificent.

It took me a bit to choose, but I decided to go all out - light and complete fantasy. Having been told (by many of you) how wonderful the Harry Potter series is, I picked up The Sorcerer's Stone this week.

I had seen this movie so I assumed I wouldn't get caught up in the twists and turns. I know how this all turns out, after all. What a pleasant surprise to be pulled in enough to want to see it played out on the page! It was even fun wondering why the movie makers changed certain things and left out others. I must say it was a brilliant bit of fluff laced with some wonderful lessons - a good way to jump back on the fiction train.

Of course, now I have to finish the series. I will start on Chamber of Secrets right away. BTW: I haven't seen that movie.

Posted by Vox at July 2, 2003 09:52 PM | books