The Suri Triangle
I love the Suri is Chris Klein’s baby theory for a number of reasons, mostly because it covers the necessary bases. All the strange facets of the Cruise/Holmes story and Suri’s birth are explained away. Brilliant! Even better, though, is the Josh Harnett is Suri’s daddy theory. remember she dated him briefly between chris and […]
Scientology in a NUTshell
A nutshell seems an appropriate vessel for the likes of Tom Cruise. Scientology, by L. Ron Hubbard Jr. via Glitterati Gossip –> Celebrity Smack ✏
Scene Stealer
Well, it’s no surprise to me that the early buzz has Philip Seymour Hoffman stealing MI3 from Tom Cruise. Hoffman is an amazing actor, Cruise would have trouble acting his way out of a paper bag. It also isn’t a surprise that test audiences applaud when Cruise gets his butt kicked in the film. I […]
Ego Overload
Nothing says “I love you” like your resume. In other Tom Cruise news, a fellow sufferer. ✏
School Ties
A while back I went through Blockbuster online and added a bunch of Brendan Fraser movies to my queue, every now and then one shows up. Some are throw aways (i.e. Airheads) some are surprisingly good. Like School Ties. I didn’t watch it right away, once I saw that Ben Affleck was in it I […]
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