How Obama Wins the Shutdown Showdown
Barack Obama, Jay Carney, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid – all keep repeating the same position, “We will not negotiate with the GOP to end the shutdown” There is no ground whatsoever they are willing to cede. None. The House passed a continuing resolution that funded everything, every piece of government spending, with only two […]
The Error of Big Government
This current government shutdown has given us some amusing hashtags: from the simple #HarryReidShutdown, #ObamaShutdown, #ShutdownTheater to the hilarious #SpiteHouse, #PresidentStompyFoot, #ShutNado Though I do believe most of the #Barrycades (and #Harrycades) are just so much spoon banging by a petulant & vindictive administration, they certainly serve as an illustration of the famous quote* Perhaps […]
Shutdown Spoon Banging
Riddle me this – even if you believe, against any evidence to the contrary, that the Republicans are 100% responsible for the current shutdown (which, obviously, I don’t) But, if you did assign every tiny possible bit of blame to the Right… How can you not see the vindictive, capricious, random & punitive measures the […]