
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Didn’t Pay Enough Taxes

Posted on | April 14, 2013 | No Comments

Just thought I would take a minute and remind everyone who thinks higher taxes are a necessity, especially those hypocritical rich folks who claim they want their taxes raised while taking all possible action to reduce their actual income tax burden (I’m looking at you Hollywood)

You have always had the option of paying more. You can stop claiming all deductions available. And, if you still feel under-taxed, you can just send in more money. Heck, in the last few years they’ve made it idiot simple to do so with the “I Didn’t Pay Enough Fund”. Go ahead, let us know you really mean – double your contribution to the IRS. Then they have more to channel to the National Waste Our Money Department (otherwise known as Congress)

Tax Form

Yes, I have posted this before. Still fits


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