
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Hate is NOT an American Value

It does, however, seem to be getting quite popular on the left ✏

“Race” for the White House

If you want proof of the racism inherent in the Leftie media, just watch any of the interviews they have done with Herman Cain. This man is running for the highest office in the land, he has a long resume of production & success, he is spelling out a specific plan to fix the economy*, […]

Psychic Friends

By now I assume that if you heard the story of mass graves in Hardin, TX, you have also heard the search yielded nothing. First off – the tip came from a psychic. Yes, a psychic called the police and they went to investigate based only on that evidence. Oh yeah, and they first went […]

Away From The Herd

Some of my favorite stories involve an individual who had long regarded themselves a person of the Left, who, when actually challenged (and willing) to think about their positions, realizes they are not – and perhaps never should have been. Such is the case with David Mamet, and the essays in his new book The […]

Limo *Drink*

…it’s the Atlas Shrugged drinking game I went to see this with a group; we had all levels of interest from “never read the book, no familiarity with Rand or Objectivism” to “read the book several times and have passages memorized” I am in the middle of that spectrum, having read the book 20-some years […]

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