
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Who Is Driving This Wreck?

Posted on | August 27, 2012 | No Comments

I’ve gotten a little heat for the heat I have been giving David Schweikert. Fair enough. But so far the only excuse I have heard offered for his behavior is “That is what his advisers are telling him to do

So, you are trying to tell me that David Schweikert would be staying above the fray, taking the high road, debating the issues – but because some flack told him to roll around in the mud, he went ahead and did it. That is all it takes to get him to compromise his principles?

No exactly a leader then, is he? Not really someone I could trust to represent my interests in D.C. or keep his promises – after all, there is probably someone there who will tell him what to do, too.

This issue came up in 2010, as well


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