September 16, 2008

Speaking of Pigs

No doubt, the Fannie & Freddie mess is wreaking havoc.

No doubt that Barack Obama has attempted to place the blame in the lap of Republicans, including (of course) John McCain.

Of course, we already know who Fannie & Freddie were paying off, and it wasn't the Maverick. I just hadn't realized how deeply involved the Dems were, and how much money they had bled off - certainly not helping the mortgage companies stay afloat.

(Hat Tip Matt Lewis)

Posted by Vox at September 16, 2008 08:44 PM | politics

You can do better!- tighter regulation of the housing market, would have prevented this. However, when it came up in 2003 it was shot down... a big part due to the Dems- some of them wanted the laxer regulations ecause tighter ones would "limit affordable housing". It was a bipartisan block... but still stupid.

Posted by: Samuel Skinner at September 16, 2008 11:57 PM