September 12, 2008

Palin Interview

I haven't seen it, but I did read the transcript and found this comment which seems to ring true:

I agree with flhal 100%, who said:"Gibson was friendly, kind and deferential to Obama in this interview (June 2008). His interview with Palin was a quiz not an interview. He was condescending, cold and unfriendly. I think he was afraid if he treated Palin fairly the other media folks would have trashed him. This just confirms the polls that say the media is biased against McCain/Pailin by a 5 to 1 ratio."
With Gibson asking such hard hitting questions to Obama like " Is the hardest part of all this behind you or ahead of you?", the bias is evident. Lose the glasses Charlie ! Palin is refreshing, and did fairly well under the circumstances. As an educated, business owning, veteran/ working mother Palin and McCain have my vote. It gives me great satisfaction to know I will cancel out Charlie's!

Sounds about right from what I read and from what you will see in the Obama interview. We'll see if I still feel that way when I see the body language and hear the tone of their voices.

From the transcript, I would say she did fine. I like the answers she gave - now lets hear how she gave them.

UPDATE: About that Bush Doctrine question.

RightWingSparkle gives us her take

UPDATE 2: I still have not seen the broadcast version of the speech, but have been hearing commentary. In listening to the chattering, I was confused as to what interview they had watched, since they seemed to be contradicting what she actually said. Now I know why - they weren't referencing the same interview I read. The version that aired was carefully and selectively edited to give a much different picture. I shouldn't be surprised.

Posted by Vox at September 12, 2008 08:48 AM | Media , Sarah Palin , politics