September 01, 2008

Oh Fer Cryin' Out Loud!

Sarah and Todd Palin have announced that their 17 year old daughter is pregnant and planning on marrying her boyfriend.

Did she know this last week? Because that is something she may have wanted to mention during the vetting process.

D says that the announcement means nothing bad to him, and just makes her seem more real.

UPDATE: John McCain says he knew about it and does not consider it a problem.

Sure, handing the left a weapon like that - no problem. Of course, there is a possibility that will alienate 'regular' people if they focus too much on that - and miss the opportunity to attack her on something that might stick

UPDATE 2: Finally found it online.
"She and the campaign also are asking that the media respect the family’s privacy" - yeah, that'll happen

Posted by Vox at September 1, 2008 09:22 AM | Sarah Palin , politics