August 21, 2008

Glad That's Cleared Up

I have become rather fond of iced coffees - those horribly over-sweetened things the fast food joints are selling. I can't even begin to imagine how bad they are for me. (and I like it that way, I don't need any of you helpful people leaving that information in the comments, thankyouverymuch. This is a situation where ignorance really is bliss)

That, however, isn't the point.

McDonald's offers theirs in two sizes. I generally get the smaller one, which occasionally leads to a 'small' problem.

Conversation -
Me: I'll have a small vanilla iced coffee
Them: We don't have small, we have medium and large
Me: How can you have a medium if you have only two sizes?

I guess I could avoid the problem by just ordering the medium, but that just makes no sense to me at all. I will continue to order the small, it is the principal of the thing.

Posted by Vox at August 21, 2008 03:10 PM | peeves

Yesssss! Good for you Vox - that kind of stuff ruffles my fur as well. If there's no button for it on the McDonald's cashier's user interface, it doesn't exist!

Posted by: John McJunkin at August 21, 2008 04:21 PM